Thursday, June 9, 2022

When we feel good, we do good!


As tiring as the drive from Delhi to the hills maybe, once that green tapering landscape starts unfolding something shifts in my energy - my body relaxes, my shoulders droop, my eyes light up ..... mountains have a way of bringing ease to our whole being - they engage all our senses and bring ourselves to a calmer state of happiness! 

As we design and hold spaces, an intention we can hold dearly is how can we bring more ease into the space - how can we inspire that same feeling of the sight of the hills?

A participant at a recent in person workshop (my first in 2 years!) said that she liked the "informality that was pervasive in the whole day while the supporting the group have deep conversation and make important decisions..." 

This was a very senior group of leaders across the country gathered together to discover common ground around a collective. 

As people walked in, the space felt inviting with visuals all across the walls, the chairs arranged in a circle with some photos in the centre and tables at the back with flip charts and post its. The whole day from the start was infused with play, movement and interactions. Not just kids, even we as adults are not wired to sit in a single place in a single position for long! 

Bells helped the group centre themselves and pause and begin together. The group introduced each other using a ball. Oh how much joy a small thing like throwing and catching (or attempting to throw and catch) can bring....

We suggested some norms to make the day more meaningful - including using bells for silence/ centering, ball as the speaking object, finding common ground, an "action" lot to capture what needs to be done, inviting people to "share the air" as they speak and listen with attention...People were invited to stand/ sit as they feel most comfortable to engage. 

Photo reflections and short games tied into the purpose of the day helped to shift energy and bring out the richness of raw enthusiasm without fear of judgment or need for perfection. 

Shifting the work space between the front and the back helped people feel more engaged and gave necessary pauses that are so crucial for us to help process and make sense of what is happening. 

The guitar offered soothing instrumental music as folks did their individual reflections and writing (and offered live entertainment at dinner where people came over to sing along their favourite tunes! - it also helped me bring to the group another side of me besides helping me stay calm.... 

We made special requests for reusable glass bottles instead of plastic ones. I also made unusual request of keeping some fruits on the side - as these are instant energy boosters. 

Through the day there was seriousness and light heartedness, anxiety and excitement, cautiousness with curiosity....there was flow..... 

"The day was very stimulating. Intense and allowed me to stay focused."

"Catalysing action is a thankless job, because the catalyst invariably gets subsumed into the product of its efforts..but that is also its strength - to create the new is a rare privilege"...

"Very well organised... the process, thoughtfulness & thoroughness of the facilitator...kept up the energy and allowed everyone to participate...pushed for ownership from the group..."

Of course there are learnings from the experience about what we could have done better to prepare or host the day. 

Yet at this moment as I look back so much care and thought went into bringing "ease" into the whole design - deep gratitude to my co-facilitator for sharing this journey.....the venue for the awesome natural light, open floor and adjusting to our strange requests (the space incharge was baffled at the thought that the whole day we would make the group do "activities"!).....and mostly a big thank you to the group for placing their trust in the space and process.  

I hope this lens of "ease" can bring in more depth, lightness and meaning to our gatherings:) 

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