Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Only in India

I cant remember how many people have told me that "we Indians are very unique"; "this can happen only in India"...well just a week in Nigeria and I have learnt that perhaps Indians are not so unique after all!

What should I start with...lets say the constant honking on the roads, the anywhere-pee policy, vendors on the sidewalks selling anything under the sun, the low priority pedestrian status, the dilapidating condition of the taxis and buses to the larger issues of lack of quality education, corruption, poverty, conservative attitude towards girls, lack of livelihoods etc etc etc....

The best one was last night...I swear when I heard the dogs barking at 4 am...I felt right at home:)

But despite all of this, Nigerians are happy people...you see smiles, you hear laughter, you smell pepper, you hear "welcome, welcome, welcome"! I have felt so much warmth and love here in just a few days and it is indeed this that holds for me the promise of an unforgettable experience!

1 comment:

  1. hey mana.. man i love your blog. they're so cool.. and im really happy to see that ur ennjoying urself and i especially liked the pep-up note to self... reminds me of all the time u pep-talked me.

    love you lots.. keep smiling and blogging..

