Monday, October 14, 2019

How do you feel when you walk into a space?

Next time you walk into a meeting, training, workshop or conference, just take a pause and ask yourselves this question - how do I feel when I walk into this space? 

Does it make you feel welcome, warm, curious, happy, relaxed? Or does it make you feel tense, worried, anxious? 

When I reach a venue earlier to set it up, usually the first thing I do is open the curtains. Many times the curtains have never been opened and often get stuck or something is torn - this has happened in very simple basic venues to posh hotels. The light that then enters the room is just magical - the electric lighting often is not needed. With the light comes the bonus - view of the trees, birds and if you are lucky parts of the sky and the clouds. 

We are attuned to natural light and feel instantly energised by looking at trees, birds, flowers. Looking out into nature we feel abound.  

The second thing I focus on is the seating. Usually tables are arranged in a U shape with a space for projector and the "trainer" up front or in round tables across the room. The round tables are arranged with all well intentions with a bowl of toffees, small plastic water bottles, a flower pot and note pads and pens. I begin the dance with the staff that are anxiously setting up the space - persuading them to try and rearrange the space - create a circle just with chairs, with round tables at back (if the space is large enough for both - else it would be just a circle with chairs). "No tables....where would people keep their things, where would you keep the projector?" I gently encourage them to give it a shot and together we start moving out the tables and aligning the chairs in a neat circle with just enough space for people to move in and out. A table at the back is kept for people to place their bags. And voila! The circle gets formed. 

What do you notice when you sit in a circle like this and when you sit around a table? We are naturally attuned to a circle - that is how we have always connected as humans. It helps me to SEE everyone else. There is nothing physical to block my connection with others. The open space also helps to use a variety of methods to support engagement. I use a lot of movement at various points, people work silently, in pairs, or in small groups. They walk around the room. They kick off their shoes and sit on the floor (see the photo above!). It makes them feel comfortable and in this state - what they absorb, share, connect is very different when they are feeling the opposite. 

Ah and what about those beautifully set round tables? I request the staff to remove the flowers, bottles, toffees. So the table is bare and topped with some cards/ charts and markers. When people sit around it, the invitation is clear - start talking and capturing what emerges! 

I often wish I could take the before and after pictures of the space! It is just amazing how different it feels. It makes me want to be there and come back when I leave. It becomes a sacred space for people to FEEL like connecting, reflecting and this paves the way for collective learning to emerge! 

So is that it, the lighting and seating? Or there is more...oh there is more. 

Stay tuned! 


  1. You have so beautifully captured the process and experience of circle set-up. There is more.. a sense of being anchored and authentic connection with the space and yes there is more.

  2. Yes, thank you Vibha for this. Yes the circle holds the energy for all and anchors them:)
